WordPress website Google rank can be improved in multiple ways. By optimizing the site itself or by using some of the offsite marketing techniques. In this article I’ll focus only on onsite methods that really work.
In order to boost your WordPress SEO and gain higher exposure, your website code needs to be nice & clean and easily readable by search engine robots. Also, the site has to have SEO optimized structure that includes H tags, meta descriptions and keyword rich content. When I say keyword rich content, it means that your articles (titles or/and content) have to contain keywords related
to your business field.
For instance, if you are a plumber, write articles related to plumbing. Google really appreciate valuable content, especially if that content is helpful to other people (tips & tricks, suggestions, how to do this or that etc..), so in whatever business you are, don’t be shy to share your knowledge and expertise with other people, it can bring you more benefit than you can imagine!
Important factors
Beside quality text content, your site has to be optimized for mobile devices in order to provide the best possible user experience. If it’s not, you’ll loose visitors and Google will decrease your rank. Also, your site needs to be as fast as possible, because the speed affects the SEO and have huge impact on whether the visitors will stay on the site or not. To check your website speed, click here to visit the PageSpeed Insights and enter your website URL.
What Google always like is fresh and unique content, frequently published on a daily or weekly basis or better to say as often as possible. How this actually works? Every time when you publish some new text content, search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing etc..) are sky rocketing your site higher in the search results. So, what’s fresh, goes up, and in this way you can beat your competitors temporarily even if their site is more optimized than yours.
If you need help with optimization, WordPress Expert is always at your service!