WordPress Speed Optimization Service
The slow loading speed is related to certain delays caused by your site, server, or some external files. For instance, there could be too many active plugins or some plugins conflict. Other reasons could be related to the limitations of your hosting provider (limited consumption of CPU and RAM memory), coding issues, security breaches, etc..
WordPress speed optimization service will improve the loading time and provide a better user experience, lower the bounce rate, and increase your conversion ratio.
Check your speed at Google Page Speed Insights and Pingdom Speed Checker

WordPress Speed Optimization includes:
- Google PageSpeed Insights score improvement
- HTML, CSS, and Javascript code minification
- Performance report and useful tips on how to preserve your speed score
- Defer parsing of Javascript
- Combine CSS & JS Files
- CDN setup (Stackpath, Cloudflare, etc..)
- GZIP compression activation
- Manual image optimization
- Caching configuration and many other tweaks that are needed to make your website load as fast as ever before
The Importance of Having a Fast Website
Being slow will get you nowhere! As you probably noticed, people cannot stand to wait for anything. And why should they when your competitors are just a few clicks away. If your page load time is slow, visitors will close the tab and visit another website.
Google is fully aware that people are making decisions in a split second and that speed will determine whether you will succeed or fail.
Decreased loading time can positively affect your website SEO and usability and help you to get more leads.